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The significance and value of 3a credit rating to enterprises
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

Corporate credit rating is an independent third-party, authoritative professional rating agency, in accordance with the principles of independence, impartiality and objectivity, adopting scientific rating methods and reasonable and standardized rating procedures, to assess the management, economic solvency and operational capabilities of enterprises. Scientific assessments are made and presented in concise symbols.

Enterprise credit rating gives seven green passports to enterprises in business and market activities

1. Enterprises obtain government support to attract investment, investment, financing guarantees, and bank loans as a reliable "pass"

2. It is an indispensable "honorary certificate" to measure the enterprise's contract performance ability, bidding reputation, comprehensive strength and competitiveness

3. "Orientation certificate" for enterprises to gain insight into the inevitable trend of social and economic development, improve modern management and move towards internationalization

4. "Optimization certificate" for enterprises to improve business management, strengthen credit management system, and improve enterprise risk control

5. A "risk certificate" for enterprises to increase cooperation, credit sales, and contract risk prevention in business activities

6. An important intangible "asset certificate" for enterprises to enhance brand value and brand competitiveness

7. An important "burden reduction certificate" for enterprises to reduce fundraising and transaction costs