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Guidelines for the Implementation of Enterprise Occupational Safety and Health Management System
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

The "Guidelines for the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in Small Enterprises" is based on the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems" (former State Economic and Trade Commission Announcement No. 30 [2001], hereinafter referred to as "Guiding Opinions"), and refers to the International Labour Organization The "Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health Management System ILO-OSH.2001" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") and the "ILO Occupational Safety and Health Management System Guidelines ILO-OSH2001 Implementation Guidance Manual" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") The purpose is to provide technical guidance for small enterprises to establish an occupational safety and health management system. The State Administration of Work Safety, as the government's comprehensive supervision department for production safety, implements this work with the purpose of improving the management level of occupational safety and health of small enterprises and changing the safety status quo. As a practical tool, the "Small Business Occupational Safety and Health Management System Implementation Guide" can help enterprises to establish and maintain a system that not only meets the general requirements of the International Labour Organization's Guidelines and national "Guiding Opinions", but also suits the characteristics of their own industries. Occupational safety and health management system, so that it can adopt appropriate occupational safety and health management modes and methods, continuously improve occupational safety and health performance, continuously eliminate, reduce and control occupational safety and health hazards and risks, and ultimately ensure the safety and health of employees.

In small enterprises, there are few full-time safety management personnel, the production process is prone to change, the operating environment is complex and diverse, and the mobility of employees is large. It is necessary to establish an occupational safety and health management system suitable for their own characteristics in small enterprises.

This guide is a technical guide for small enterprises to establish an occupational safety and health management system. In the process of writing, it highlights the characteristics and requirements of small enterprise management. It is widely applicable and suitable for any small enterprise that is willing to establish an occupational safety and health management system. .

This guide fully reflects the ideas of the "Guiding Opinions", "Guidelines" and "Instruction Manual", and has guiding significance for enterprises that plan to pass the occupational safety and health management system certification.

This guideline is applicable to the small enterprises stipulated in the "Notice on the Interim Provisions on Printing and Distributing the Standards for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" by the former State Economic and Trade, the former State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Bureau of Statistics (Guojing Small and Medium Enterprises [2003] No. 143).

This guide is issued by the State Administration of Work Safety and compiled by the Safety Science and Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Work Safety.

1. General Principles

(1) Occupational safety and health management system

  1. Overview of Occupational Safety and Health Management System

Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) is a scientific, systematic and documented management system that can be effectively integrated with other management activities of an enterprise. It adopts the PDCA management idea, that is, through the processes of planning (Plan), implementation (Do), inspection (Check), and improvement (Action), the production and management activities of the enterprise are planned, and it is determined that they should be followed. In order to achieve the safety management goals, and constantly check and find problems during the realization process, take corrective measures in a timely manner to ensure that the realization process will not deviate from the original goals and principles. The implementation of the occupational safety and health management system scientifically applies the idea of system safety, and effectively controls and adjusts the production and management activities of the enterprise through a series of documents. , to implement all-staff, whole-process and all-round safety management, so as to improve the occupational safety and health management level of the enterprise.

The purpose of establishing an occupational safety and health management system for enterprises is to promote their own enterprises to adopt modern management methods, improve their occupational safety and health management level, and continuously improve their occupational safety and health performance, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and controlling industrial accidents and occupational diseases and reducing other losses. , reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Occupational safety and health management system, as a standardized occupational safety and health management method, has won more and more recognition from various aspects with the adjustment of government functions and the continuous deepening of enterprise market economic reform. In order to improve the efficiency of safety management and better meet the requirements of the market economy, the government's safety supervision function has undergone large-scale reforms. Adjustment and methods to make the government's safety and health supervision responsibilities scientific and efficient; for enterprises, as market entities in the process of economic development, in order to improve their own management level and market competitiveness, it is more necessary to effectively strengthen their own safety and health. How work is managed. Implementing the occupational safety and health management system in the enterprise can not only assist the supervision of the national safety supervision department, but also effectively manage the occupational safety and health work of the enterprise.

  2. Requirements for implementing an occupational safety and health management system

When establishing an occupational safety and health management system, enterprises should fully consider their own characteristics, have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and methods of the occupational safety and health management system, and establish an occupational safety and health management system suitable for the enterprise based on the current situation of the enterprise. The role of the occupational safety and health management system is to prevent and control hazards, and the core idea is continuous improvement. Enterprises should fully consider the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system in the implementation process to ensure the dynamic applicability of the system. Including the following aspects:

(1) Effectively implement hazard identification and risk assessment

In order to timely and effectively control various hazards in the production process, enterprises should take the initiative to identify hazards and evaluate risks, and control them through the operation of the management system. Hazard identification and risk assessment are the core of an occupational safety and health management system, the basis for system implementation, and an important basis for system performance improvement.

(2) Emphasize the commitment and responsibility of top management

The leader's commitment and responsibility are the key to the successful implementation of the occupational safety and health management system. The top management holds most of the resources of the enterprise. Only when the top management makes commitments and clarifies the responsibilities, and fulfills the commitments and responsibilities, the occupational safety and health management system can really play a role. effect.

(3) Emphasize the participation and role of employees

The operation of the system comes from various positions. Employee participation is an important basis for the successful implementation of the occupational safety and health management system. The role of all employees should be brought into full play. During the implementation of the system, the enterprise must communicate the requirements to all employees and ensure their full understanding.

(4) Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is the core idea of the occupational safety and health management system. In the process of implementing the system, enterprises must establish an operation mechanism of self-discovery, self-correction and self-improvement, continuously improve the occupational safety and health management system, and continuously improve occupational safety and health performance.

(2) The characteristics of small enterprises

At present, the number of small enterprises has increased greatly, the industry coverage is wide, some have no fixed workplace, the foundation of safety management is weak, the conditions for safe production and operation are poor, and casualties occur frequently. The safety situation of small enterprises has become my country's occupational safety and health. outstanding problems in management. On the basis of fully considering the basic situation of small enterprises, it is necessary to implement an occupational safety and health management system. The following aspects should be considered when establishing an occupational safety and health management system in a small business:

  1. Diversified management functions, with staff taking on multiple roles

The "Safety Production Law" clearly stipulates that mines, construction units, and production, operation, and storage units of dangerous goods shall set up a work safety management agency or assign full-time work safety management personnel. For production and business units other than the above-mentioned provisions, if the number of employees is less than 300, full-time or part-time production safety management personnel shall be provided. Due to the limitation of scale and resources in small enterprises, unlike large and medium-sized enterprises, which are dedicated to human resources, the managers and operators of most small enterprises have multiple roles, and functional departments also shoulder multiple responsibilities. It is the basic guarantee for safe production.

  2. More temporary staff and related parties

According to the characteristics of small enterprises, production activities are often employed in the form of temporary personnel and outsourcing, and are often managed by contractors. Therefore, it is very important to effectively control the personnel on the production site.

3. Production processes and job sites are prone to changes

Small enterprises cover a wide range of industries. In order to meet the needs of the market, the production process and operating environment of enterprises are prone to change. Some enterprises are mobile operations. Establishing an effective change management system and implementing it effectively is an important guarantee for enterprises to continuously ensure safe production.

4. Weak management foundation

The development of small enterprises in my country is relatively late, and the system construction is lagging behind, and there is even no effective safety management system. Therefore, it is more urgent to implement an occupational safety and health system in small enterprises.

(3) Steps to establish an occupational safety and health management system

According to the specific situation and characteristics of the safety management of small enterprises, the process of establishing an occupational safety and health management system should be different from that of large enterprises, mainly including the following processes:

  1. initial review

The initial review is the foundation and key link of establishing an occupational safety and health management system. Its main purpose is to understand the current status of the enterprise's occupational safety and health management, collect information for the establishment of the system, and determine the benchmark and basis for continuous improvement of occupational safety and health performance.

  2. Formation of a document system

According to the results of the initial review, according to the implementation requirements of the occupational safety and health management system, the prevention and control measures for occupational safety and health risks and the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system shall be documented to ensure that the established occupational safety and health management system is in any situation. are fully understood and effectively complied with.

3. Full staff training

To enable all employees to accept the management ideas of the occupational safety and health management system and understand all the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system, enterprises should train employees in various forms.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation

By means of system performance monitoring and measurement, audit and management review, it is important to check and confirm whether all elements of the system are effectively implemented as planned, and to discover problems in the operation of the occupational safety and health management system in a timely manner. means. Through various forms of supervision of the system itself, check whether the system operates as planned, and determine the effectiveness, suitability and adequacy of the system.

5. Correction and Prevention

In order to ensure that the system can function effectively, corrective measures must be taken for the problems found to ensure that the system is implemented as planned.

6. maintain and improve

"Establishment and maintenance" is an important requirement of the occupational safety and health management system. Whether the system can continue to be effective and applicable depends on the maintenance. The maintenance of the system is a dynamic adaptation according to the changes in the production situation of the enterprise and the problems existing in the implementation process of the system, so as to further improve the system. process, and then realize the continuous improvement of the occupational safety and health management system.

2. Establishment of occupational safety and health management system

(1) Guarantee of occupational safety and health management system

Since the establishment and implementation of the occupational safety and health management system involves all aspects of the enterprise, all employees are required to participate, and a lot of work needs to be completed during the implementation process. Therefore, any enterprise must be fully prepared, plan reasonably, clarify various tasks and make resource guarantees.

  1. clear responsibilities

The top manager of a small enterprise is the first responsible person for the safety production of the enterprise. To implement an occupational safety and health management system, an enterprise must first clarify the responsibilities of the top management, and make it clear in the work plan that the occupational safety and health management system is one of the main matters of enterprise management. Commitment to provide support for the establishment of an occupational safety and health management system and related activities, and to ensure the performance of responsibilities. Combined with the requirements of the "Safety Production Law", the safety responsibilities of the top management of the enterprise include at least:

(1) Make a formal commitment to safety management and fulfill the commitment;

(2) Provide sufficient resources for safe production;

(3) Establish a sound safety management system and ensure its implementation;

(4) Establish and implement job safety responsibilities.

According to the characteristics of small enterprises, it is necessary to establish documented job responsibilities for personnel in each post, and clarify the safety responsibilities of all personnel during the work process, including: how to ensure safe operation, safe operation of equipment, and emergency handling, etc., and communicate it to the relevant personnel. .

  2. Equipped with the necessary resources

Occupational safety and health management system can effectively standardize safety management work, improve enterprise management level, and improve safety and health performance. In order to ensure that the purpose of implementing the system is achieved, the enterprise must provide the resources required by the system, including human, financial, material and other aspects.

In the process of establishing and maintaining an occupational safety and health management system, in order to ensure the applicability and effectiveness of the system, the enterprise must identify special personnel responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the system.

If the enterprise has sufficient occupational safety and health management capabilities and knowledge, the relevant work can be completed independently by the enterprise; if it is not competent, the work of the occupational safety and health management system can be fully entrusted to the engineering technology with the relevant professional and technical qualifications stipulated by the state. Personnel or institutions provide related services, such as occupational safety and health management consulting agencies, registered safety engineers or other enterprises capable of supervising the safety and health work of the enterprise.

(2) Initial review

In order to establish an occupational safety and health management system that is suitable for the enterprise's own safety and health management requirements, the enterprise should go through the initial review process to fully grasp the current situation of occupational safety and health management of its own unit, and determine the benchmark for the enterprise to continuously improve its occupational safety and health performance. The work process for the initial review shall be documented.

The initial review is mainly to evaluate the existing occupational safety and health management status. The specific contents are as follows:

1. Collect relevant laws, regulations and other requirements, confirm their applicability, and investigate and evaluate compliance;

2. Carry out hazard identification and risk assessment of existing or planned operations to determine whether existing measures or planned measures can eliminate hazards or control risks;

3. Clean up all the current rules, regulations and procedures of occupational safety and health management of the enterprise, including the existing safety and health operation records;

4. Evaluate whether the current safety resources meet the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system;

5. Analyze past accidents and occupational diseases, including industry data, and employee health monitoring data and other related data, such as statistics and trend analysis of casualties, occupational diseases, and property losses.

In order to ensure the adequacy and accuracy of the initial review, all work of the initial review must be effectively organized, and a special organization for the initial review should be established.

The final result of the initial review is an important basis for the establishment and maintenance of the occupational safety and health management system.

(3) Hazard identification and risk assessment

  1. General

Hazard identification and risk assessment are the basis for the establishment and operation of the system. All functions of the occupational safety and health management system are based on the results of hazard identification and risk assessment. Whether it is the initial establishment of the system or the maintenance of the system, enterprises should regularly and Carry out hazard identification and risk assessment in a timely manner. The process of hazard identification and risk assessment is to identify all the hazards in the production process of the enterprise, and evaluate them one by one, determine the key points of risk control, and provide a basis for formulating control measures.

In order to ensure the normative and systematic work of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control planning, enterprises should establish and maintain a set of management procedures based on their own actual conditions, and describe how to implement hazard identification and risk assessment. Depending on the situation, the management procedures generally include the following:

(1) Job responsibilities;

(2) Requirements for identifying and evaluating personnel;

(3) Identifying objects;

(4) Selection of methods for identification and evaluation;

(5) Procedures for implementing hazard identification and evaluation;

(6) Determine the key points of risk control;

(7) Develop control measures;

(8) Identification, evaluation result control and management.

  2. Steps in Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control Planning

(1) Identify hazards

Combined with the scale and characteristics of small enterprise production, the division of operation units can identify the foreseeable hazards in the production process of each operation unit according to the job position.

(2) Risk assessment

Carry out a risk assessment of the identified hazards taking into account existing control measures.

(3) Determine the focus of the enterprise's risk control

According to the characteristics of the company's own production and management, combined with the requirements of laws and regulations, determine the risks of key control.

(4) Determine risk control measures

According to the requirements of key risk control and the principle of formulating control measures, formulate effective control measures.

(5) Review whether the risk control measures are sufficient to reduce the risk to an acceptable level

The residual risk after the implementation of the risk control measures shall be re-evaluated according to the above steps to determine its acceptable level.

3. Hazard identification and selection of risk assessment methods

The production activities of small enterprises involve many fields and various production processes. In order to ensure that risks in production and management activities can be fully identified and evaluated, reasonable hazard identification and evaluation methods should be selected.

Considering the production characteristics of small enterprises, hazard identification and risk assessment should make full use of the experience of experts, mainly through expert judgment. For the complex equipment and facilities used in the production process, the system risk analysis and evaluation method is used to identify and evaluate. Combined with the requirements of occupational safety and health management, the commonly used hazard identification and risk evaluation methods can choose the safety checklist, failure type and impact analysis. , matrix method, risk assessment method of working conditions, etc.

4. Hazard identification and implementation of risk assessment

The work of hazard identification and risk assessment is a highly technical work, and the participants should have the corresponding ability and relevant experience. The work of hazard identification and risk assessment of small enterprises should be organized, and a working group should be established. The composition of members should consider personnel in safety management, engineering technology, equipment management and use.

The results of hazard identification and risk assessment should be documented as an important basis for enterprise safety and health management.

When small enterprises carry out hazard identification and risk assessment, they must ensure that the process of hazard identification, risk assessment and control is comprehensive, reasonable and sufficient. Hazard identification and risk assessment should consider:

(1) Equipment used. Such as high-risk equipment such as lifting, transportation, and high-voltage equipment;

(2) Personnel situation. Such as the ability, education and personal behavior of the operators, the situation of the entry of non-enterprise personnel at the operation site shall also be considered;

(3) Working environment. Such as toxic and harmful gases, low temperature, high temperature, humidity, dust, noise, radiation, etc.;

(4) Production activities. Such as hot work, work at height, limited space entry, etc.;

(5) Materials used. Such as flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, etc.

(4) Formation of a document system

  1. Documented Scope

Occupational safety and health management system requirements are expressed in the form of documents, and the form of documents can be in text or electronic form according to the actual situation of the enterprise. In accordance with the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system guidelines, combined with the actual situation of small enterprises, the occupational safety and health management system documents may include occupational safety and health policies and objectives, occupational safety and health job responsibilities, procedures for production activities related to key occupational safety and health risks, Work instructions and other internal documents, etc.

Small business system documents should meet the requirements of the enterprise and meet the needs of management. The hierarchy and structure of documents should be simplified as much as possible, and the number of documents should follow the principles of effectiveness and minimization. In the process of compiling documents, consideration should be given to incorporating various types of existing applicable occupational safety and health management documents into the occupational safety and health management system document system. The content of specific documents should consider the existing management level, the quality of employees, and the characteristics of the production process. It should be easy to operate and implement. If a small business seeks certification, the system documentation must also meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System Code.

Specifically, the occupational safety and health management system documents of small enterprises may include the following aspects:

(1) Management of occupational safety and health policies;

(2) Hazard identification and risk assessment;

(3) Job responsibilities;

(4) training, awareness and competence;

(5) Negotiation and exchange;

(6) Document and data control;

(7) Emergency and response;

(8) Performance monitoring and measurement;

(9) Accidents, incidents, nonconformities, corrective and preventive actions;

(10) Review and review;

(11) Equipment management;

(12) Management of related parties;

(13) Management of dangerous goods;

(14) On-site operation safety management;

(15) Employee safety and health management;

(16) Management of labor protection supplies.

However, different enterprises should make adjustments according to their own production characteristics and requirements.

  2. the content of the file

The content requirements of occupational safety and health management system management documents should be based on specific activities and purposes, including what to do (what), why to do it (why), who to do it (who), when to do it (when), where to do it ( where) and how to do it (how).

In order to facilitate preparation and coordination, the system documents are stated in a unified form of expression. The document structure of the occupational safety and health management system is recommended as follows:

  (1. Purpose

  (2. area

(3) Terminology (if necessary)

(4) Responsibilities

(5) Control requirements

(6) Relevant documents and records

In order to ensure the identification, approval, release and withdrawal of occupational safety and health management system documents and the effective control of occupational safety and health data, the requirements for the control of system documents and data should be clearly defined to ensure that all positions can obtain the current and effective versions of relevant documents and data. and prevent the use of obsolete versions.

3. Implementation of occupational safety and health management system

(1) Occupational safety and health policy and leadership commitment

The Occupational Safety and Health Policy is the program and action guide for the occupational safety and health management of small enterprises.

When a small enterprise formulates an occupational safety and health policy, it should be based on the size of the enterprise and the characteristics of occupational safety and health risks. The content of the policy must be consistent with the future development of the small business, but also in line with the nature of the main risks that it faces, and make compliance with the current occupational safety and health laws and regulations and other requirements, continuous improvement, accident prevention and protection of employee safety and health. Commitment, in line with business requirements.

When a small enterprise formulates an occupational safety and health policy, it should reflect the participation of all employees. The content should be easy to understand, easy to understand and communicate, and the policy should be documented and approved by the top management.

In order to ensure the programmatic role and continuous suitability of the occupational safety and health policy formulated by the enterprise, the policy should meet the following requirements:

1. Communicate to all employees to ensure that each employee truly understands and encourages them to actively participate in occupational safety and health management;

2. Establish channels for foreign exchange of policies to ensure that relevant parties can obtain them when needed;

3. The suitability of the occupational safety and health policy should be reviewed regularly.

(2) Staff training

  1. The purpose and object of the training

In order to improve employees' occupational safety and health work ability and awareness, and ensure that employees are competent for their tasks and responsibilities, small enterprises should implement necessary training for employees to ensure that employees understand the hazards and control methods in their production projects, and occupational safety and health. Management system specification, how to audit the system, what are the requirements of the established system documents, and other requirements and knowledge related to the system.

The objects of training should include:

(1) Legal representatives and managers at all levels;

(2) Special operators;

(3) Newly-appointed, re-posted, and re-posted personnel.

(4) Personnel in important positions related to occupational safety and health risks;

(5) Personnel related to new processes, new technologies, new equipment and new materials;

(6) Personnel responsible for the management of the contractor.

  2. Training Implementation

In order to ensure the effective operation of the system of small enterprises, the occupational safety and health education of enterprises must be institutionalized. Safety training includes qualification training, new employee training, daily safety, job skills training and job change training. Small businesses must ensure the implementation of various trainings so that employees can truly understand:

(1) The importance of complying with various occupational safety and health requirements;

(2) Actual and potential occupational safety and health risks in operational activities;

(3) Roles and responsibilities in implementing various occupational safety and health requirements, including emergency preparedness and response requirements;

(4) Potential consequences of deviating from the prescribed occupational safety and health requirements, etc.

Combined with the characteristics of small enterprises, the training work can take the form suitable for the enterprise itself, such as entrusting external, internal pre-class meetings, etc.

(3) Employee participation and communication

  1. basic requirements

Small enterprises should establish an effective negotiation and communication mechanism to ensure the rights of employees in occupational safety and health, and encourage them to actively participate in occupational safety and health activities, provide support for the realization of safe production and occupational safety and health policies, and regulate employee participation behavior and information exchange , especially to negotiate and communicate with other relevant parties (such as sub-contractors, suppliers, other on-site operators, etc.).

  2. Consultation and Exchange Implementation

Small enterprises should establish an effective consultation mechanism within the enterprise and formulate a documented information exchange plan to ensure that employees have the right to participate in various activities and information flow of the occupational safety and health management system. In order to safeguard the rights of employees in terms of occupational safety and health, enterprises should ensure that employees participate in risk management and control decisions. Information exchange channels for small businesses can take the form of bulletin boards, various regular meetings, and any written or oral communication such as brief reports, training, and new employee admissions safety technology education. The content of the consultation exchange includes any issues related to occupational safety and health.

(4) Occupational safety and health goals and management plans

Small businesses should develop and maintain documented occupational safety and health goals that should be achievable, measurable and time-specific. Occupational safety and health goals are the goals that enterprises should achieve within a period of time to control a certain type of risk or a specific risk. The aim is to improve the working conditions of employees.

Specifically, the occupational safety and health goals of small businesses can consider the following aspects:

1. The safety protection facilities are in good condition;

2. The provision and use of individual labor protection articles;

3. Equipment safety device guarantee;

4. Reduce or control the defects of the working environment, etc.

Enterprises should regularly monitor the realization of occupational safety and health goals, determine whether the goals are achieved as planned and the effect of achieving them, and promptly discover problems in the realization process and take corrective measures in a timely manner. Goals are set to reflect a commitment to continuous improvement. Occupational safety and health objectives should be reviewed and approved by relevant leaders for publication.

In order to achieve occupational safety and health goals, small enterprises should formulate specific management plans to achieve the goals to ensure that the goals are achieved as planned. The content of the management plan should include the responsibilities and authorities to achieve the goal, the method to achieve the goal, the time schedule to achieve the goal, and the required resources.

The implementation of the approved occupational safety and health management plan should be regularly monitored, and problems in the implementation process should be discovered in a timely manner and corrective measures should be taken. The management plan should be revised according to the changes of risks in the production activities of the enterprise, the changes of operating conditions, equipment conditions, and personnel conditions, and the content of the plan should be revised through regular review of the occupational safety and health management plan.

(5) Operation control and risk prevention

The purpose of hazard identification and risk assessment is to grasp the information of various hazards and their degree of injury in the production process, and to effectively control the risks through various methods and means. According to the principle of risk control and the idea of risk control planning of the occupational safety and health management system, the risk control and prevention of the enterprise shall formulate control procedures and control measures for the production and management activities related to risks according to the results of hazard identification and risk assessment, so as to achieve The purpose of risk control and prevention.

  1. range of control

The characteristics of small enterprises are small scale, single process, flexible management, easy to ignore various protections, rapid changes in personnel and production, and some are mobile operations. According to this, small enterprises should establish a system to highlight key points, control key links, and ensure production safety. The focus is on the following aspects:

(1) High-risk operation management. Such as work at heights, hot work, contact with toxic, harmful and corrosive or radioactive substances.

(2) Management of dangerous goods. Such as flammable and explosive materials, toxic and hazardous materials, corrosive materials, radioactive materials, etc.

(3) Equipment and tools management. Such as production equipment, lifting equipment, electric welding machines, gas welding and gas cutting, various electric tools, transportation machinery, safety equipment and facilities, etc.

(4) Management of personnel and labor protection articles. Such as the management of special operators, non-enterprise personnel in the workplace, female workers and juvenile workers, management and use of labor protection products.

(5) Fire management. Such as volunteer firefighters, firefighting equipment management, etc.

  2. risk control

In order to effectively control risks and accident consequences, risk control and preventive measures should be determined according to the occupational safety and health risks of the enterprise. In addition to controlling risks through occupational safety and health objectives and management plans, establish a safety management system that meets regulatory requirements and is applicable to enterprise production process management. The system and emergency plan can effectively control various risks of the enterprise. According to the scope of risk control of small enterprises, combined with the requirements of the system, the content of the management system in the occupational safety and health management system of small enterprises can refer to the following aspects:

(1) Hoisting operation management: personnel requirements, operation preparation, workplace control, operation process control (including operating beyond the scope of mechanical working capacity and encountering obstacles during operation, such as exceeding the working load, exceeding the operating radius, and building Objects and surrounding equipment and facilities collide, fail to be supported firmly, operation errors, lack of operator skill training, hanging objects falling off) and control of lifting objects of different shapes.

(2) Management of dangerous goods: including the whole process of storage, transportation, use, and disposal. According to the requirements of laws and regulations, describe the specific control measures and personnel and facility requirements of each link.

(3) Equipment management: equipment management system, use and management, maintenance, equipment failure, dismantling, installation and handling under special circumstances, etc.

(4) Management of labor protection products: procurement (qualification, quality control, acceptance), storage, distribution, monitoring during use, replacement, handling of special circumstances, etc.

(5) Working at heights: ladders, scaffolding (general or tower type), hanging cages, lifting working platforms, and power working platforms. The focus of control is the structure of the climbing device, safe use and safe operation methods, overload control, installation, inspection, maintenance, dismantling, etc.

(6) Fire-fighting operations: fire-fighting organization, fire-fighting system, fire-fighting management (fire-fighting files, personnel, equipment and facilities), and fire-fighting management.

(7) Special equipment: special equipment procurement, installation, use, operator requirements and management, repair, maintenance, inspection requirements, equipment scrapping and dismantling.

(8) Power consumption management (including temporary power consumption): installation of power facilities, maintenance of power facilities, maintenance of power facilities, use of power facilities, management of power consumption, personnel requirements, and removal of equipment.

(9) Overhaul operations: scope of overhaul operations, management requirements for overhaul operations, implementation of overhaul operations, commissioning, resumption of operation, handover, etc.

(10) On-site operator control: qualification (individual, contractor) management, agreement signing, on-site operation control requirements, safety supervision, etc.

3. emergency plan

According to the characteristics of occupational safety and health management, enterprises should formulate contingency plans for possible emergencies or accidents, so as to be able to respond urgently and control the consequences when emergencies or accidents occur. The content of the emergency plan is mainly to prevent and respond to specific emergency situations or accidents, including the following:

(1) Potential accidents and emergencies identified;

(2) Responsibilities of relevant personnel or departments in the emergency process;

(3) The person in charge in the event of an emergency;

(4) How to call the police and ask for help;

(5) Exchange of information necessary on site when an emergency occurs;

(6) Responsibilities, authorities and obligations of personnel with specific roles when an emergency occurs, such as the person in charge of on-site work, etc.;

(7) Liaise with external parties when emergencies occur, such as hospitals;

(8) Resources for emergency needs.

Emergency plans should be formulated for specific accidents or emergencies, including situations clearly stipulated by laws and regulations such as the Work Safety Law, possible fires, leakage of toxic and hazardous chemicals, gas areas, storage areas for inflammable and explosive materials, special Maintenance, installation, dismantling and other operations of the working environment, sudden power interruption such as sudden power failure, etc.

The role of the emergency plan is to enable the relevant personnel to implement emergency measures in a timely and accurate manner when an accident or emergency occurs. The content of the emergency plan must be trained to ensure that the parties involved in the accident or emergency and related personnel know what to do and how to do it. Assume

In order to ensure that the emergency plan can play a role in the event of an accident or emergency, it is required to conduct a drill on the emergency plan. The drill should be carried out according to the plan, and the drill should simulate the real situation as much as possible.

The emergency plan should be reviewed after the exercise, especially after the accident or emergency.

Due to the limitation of resources and costs, small enterprises should make full use of social resources to make up for the lack of their own emergency response capabilities.

4. Review of occupational safety and health management system

In order to ensure the effective operation of the occupational safety and health management system, find problems and deficiencies in the implementation of the system, and take corrective and preventive measures in a timely manner, the occupational safety and health management system should be monitored and evaluated, and different methods can be adopted for supervision and evaluation. According to the relevant requirements of the occupational safety and health management system, the supervision of the system can be in the form of performance measurement and monitoring, internal audit and management review.

(1) Performance measurement and monitoring

Performance measurement and monitoring is an important means of daily supervision of the system, and its form is similar to the safety supervision and inspection in traditional safety management work. In order to ensure that the implementation of performance measurement and monitoring complies with the requirements of relevant departments, a specific system should be established for performance measurement and monitoring, specifying the content, method, frequency of inspections and the responsibilities of relevant personnel, processing performance monitoring and measurement results, and saving them. Monitoring and recording of measurement results.

The form of performance measurement and monitoring should be reasonably determined according to the actual production situation of the enterprise, the identified hazards and the requirements of occupational safety and health management. The specific inspection forms can be various, such as professional inspection, general inspection, etc. In order to facilitate the work, small enterprises can monitor the system through the occupational safety and health management system measurement and monitoring table.

When compiling monitoring forms, small enterprises should fully consider the content and requirements of the system. The monitoring should at least include:

1. Compliance with laws and regulations;

2. The achievement of occupational safety and health goals;

3. The implementation of various management systems;

4. All kinds of accidents, incidents, occupational diseases and other failures of occupational safety and health management.

Different enterprises should determine the focus and frequency of monitoring according to their own characteristics and different risk levels. Enterprises should keep sufficient occupational safety and health monitoring records to provide a basis for taking corrective and preventive measures. answer

(2) Review and review

In order to evaluate the compliance and effectiveness of the occupational safety and health management system and ensure that the occupational safety and health management system is continuously applicable to the safety management of enterprises, small enterprises should conduct audits and management reviews of the occupational safety and health management system.

For small enterprises, the internal audit must have a certain audit scope, audit frequency, audit method and how to deal with the audit results. The audit should focus on key points. According to the characteristics of small enterprises, the audit should focus on high-risk operations, equipment safety status, and various required qualifications. The form of audit can be based on the situation of the enterprise to prepare a detailed audit checklist, and the audit can be entrusted to external service agencies or professionals. The compliance and effectiveness of the occupational safety and health management system shall be comprehensively evaluated in the audit report.

In order to ensure the continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the occupational safety and health management system, small enterprises should regularly review the occupational safety and health management system, and the review work should be presided over by the top management. Small enterprises should determine the frequency of conducting management reviews and the focus of each management review based on their actual conditions.

Appropriate arrangements should be made before the review is carried out, the purpose and content of the review should be clarified, and the required materials should be prepared. The management review can be aimed at the entire system or a certain aspect (such as process changes, site changes, accidents, etc.), Generally, it is conducted at least once a year. If necessary, the number of management reviews can be increased. The review methods can be in the form of meetings or on-site.

The management review should draw relevant conclusions, and clarify the responsibilities, specific measures and time for necessary revisions.

5. Improvement and improvement

(1) Corrective and preventive measures

The non-conformities found in the performance monitoring and measurement, audit and management review of the occupational safety and health management system and the accidents in the production process shall be analyzed, and corrective measures shall be taken to eliminate the causes of the non-conformities or accidents; preventive measures shall be taken to prevent similar situation happens.

The implementation process of corrective and preventive actions includes: identifying the causes of nonconformities or accidents, analyzing the causes and taking specific corrective and preventive actions.

Small enterprises should fully consider their effectiveness when formulating corrective and preventive measures, and determine the various risks brought about by the implementation of measures through risk assessment before implementation.

In order to ensure the implementation of corrective and preventive measures, small enterprises should make employees understand the relevant requirements through training or communication, and conduct follow-up inspections on the effectiveness of corrective and preventive measures.

(2) System maintenance and continuous improvement

Controlling occupational safety and health risks and continuously improving occupational safety and health performance is the fundamental purpose of establishing and maintaining occupational safety and health management systems. Small enterprises should constantly adjust and improve occupational safety and health management systems according to changes in production and management to improve occupational safety and health. performance to eliminate, reduce and avoid all types of injuries, illnesses and fatalities.

The occupational safety and health management system is a dynamic development process. Small enterprises should, according to their own development, deeply understand the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system, and constantly adjust and improve the occupational safety and health management system to ensure the continuity of the occupational safety and health management system. Suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

This "Implementation Guide" focuses on how small enterprises can apply the idea of occupational safety and health management system to their own management work, and highlights the key points. If a small enterprise wants to pass the system certification, it can consider other requirements such as "Occupational Safety and Health Management System Audit Specification" on this basis, such as document and data control procedures, record management procedures, etc., to further improve the system.