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What is OHSAS18001 certification
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

Occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS18001) is an occupational health and safety management system standard applicable to any organization. The purpose is to reduce and prevent accidental loss of life, property, time, and damage to the environment through management.


OHSAS18001:1999 provides a set of management methods for organizations to control risk:

Through professional investigation and evaluation and compliance identification of relevant regulatory requirements, find out the dangers existing in the company's products, services, activities, and working environments.

Develop appropriate control plans for unacceptable hazards and risks.

Implement control plans and regularly review and evaluate occupational health and safety regulations and plans.

Establish a management system including organizational structure, responsibilities, training, information communication, emergency preparedness and response and other elements to continuously improve occupational health and safety performance.

On July 2, 2007, the OHSAS18001 standard-setting working group officially released the new version of the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.


What benefits will OHSAS18001 certification bring to enterprises:

1. Reduce occupational safety and health risks in business operations;

2. Prevent personal injury accidents and occupational diseases, and reduce direct or indirect losses;

3. Comply with the requirements of local laws and regulations to a greater extent;

4. Improve the relationship between enterprises and employees, the public, government and non-government organizations;

5. Improve corporate reputation and market competitiveness;

6. Meet international standards and establish international credibility;

7. Eliminate trade barriers and expand market share;

8. Improve the corporate social responsibility image, so that consumers can establish positive emotions for the company and its products;

9. Enable partners to build long-term confidence in the enterprise.


Enterprise significance

1. Strengthen the occupational health and safety management of the enterprise and improve the management level;

Occupational health and safety management is an important part of the overall management of an enterprise. The OHSAS standard makes the safety production management change from passively accepting mandatory management to voluntary participation.

2. Promote the implementation of Chinese occupational health and safety laws and regulations;

The OHSAS standard requires enterprises to have corresponding systems and procedures to track changes in national laws and regulations to ensure that they continue to comply with the requirements of various laws and regulations, so that enterprises can change from passive acceptance of government supervision to active acceptance.

3. Promote international trade and remove non-tariff barriers;

Occupational health and safety issues, like environmental issues, are increasingly concerned by countries around the world. Many countries take this as an excuse to impose unilateral import restrictions on other countries' products, activities or services. Therefore, the adoption of OHSAS standards will help enterprises to improve the international mutual recognition system, remove trade barriers, and carry out trade activities smoothly.

4. Help enterprises to establish a good social image and increase market competitiveness;

The establishment and realization of the occupational health and safety management system reflects the social responsibility of the enterprise from the side, which greatly improves the credibility and market competitiveness of the enterprise, and increases the chances of obtaining the recognition of relevant parties in the market bidding.

5. It is beneficial to improve the safety awareness of employees;

The OHSAS18000 occupational health and safety system requires appropriate training for all relevant functions and levels of the enterprise, to improve the safety production awareness of all employees, to effectively control the hidden dangers of accidents, and to avoid damage to the interests of employees and the enterprise.