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ISO26000 Social Responsibility Certification
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

International Organization for Standardization (International Standard Organization, abbreviated as ISO) began to conduct feasibility study and demonstration of international standards of social responsibility since 2001. In June 2004, it was finally decided to develop the "Social Responsibility" International Organization for Standardization guideline standard applicable to all social organizations, including governments. It was formulated by 54 countries and 24 international organizations. The number is ISO26000, which is after ISO9000 and ISO14000. The latest standard system developed by ISO is a new field of ISO. For this reason, ISO has established a Social Responsibility Working Group (WGSR) to be responsible for the drafting of the standard. On November 1, 2010, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) held the release ceremony of the Social Responsibility Guidelines Standard (ISO26000) at the International Convention Center in Geneva, Switzerland, and the standard was officially released.


The development of   ISO26000 has gone through a complex and long process, which can be roughly divided into three stages: preparation, drafting and release. The second meeting of ISO social responsibility standards held in Bangkok, Thailand in September 2005 was an important turning point in the development of the whole standard. The meeting determined the work arrangement from the completion of the final draft of the ISO26000 standard to the time it was released, and determined the organization and main content of the standard formulation, so that the development of the standard entered a substantive stage. In May 2006, at the third meeting of social responsibility standards in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, the first draft of the standard was formulated; in January 2007, at the fourth meeting of social responsibility in Sydney, Australia, the core content of the standard was determined. Since then, the development of the standard "began moving in the right direction". On November 1, 2010, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) held the release ceremony of the Social Responsibility Guidelines Standard (ISO26000) at the International Convention Center in Geneva, Switzerland. Recently, "ISO26000 Research Frontier Report" and "Social Responsibility Transformation: ISO 26000 and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy" edited by Li Youhuan have been officially published! Go to the relevant official website to learn more about ISO26000.


  ISO26000 has distinctive features from the very beginning of the project because of its controversial themes, wide range of participants, and all-inclusive content:

  1. Replace Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with Social Responsibility (SR) and unify the concept.

The definition of    social responsibility is the most important attribute in the whole ISO26000, and ISO replaces CSR with SR, which makes the guideline only for enterprises in the past extended to be applicable to all types of organizations. In an interview with reporters on the day the guidelines were released, ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele pointed out that the social responsibility working group initially discussed corporate social responsibility, but all parties quickly realized that the seven principles of CSR apply not only to the private sector, but also to the public Sectors, the seven themes identified by the principles—organizational management, human rights, labor practices, environment, fair operations, consumer rights, community engagement and development—are equally applicable to the public sector, so it is logical to extend CSR to SR.

Aside from these details, ISO's promotion of CSR to SR has greatly expanded the scope of application of the guidelines, and its importance has been significantly increased. This change is a milestone for the entire social responsibility movement and a milestone for ISO itself, because this is ISO For the first time, it broke through the fields of technology and management and set foot in the formulation of standards in the social field.

  2. Applicable to all types of organizations

It is precisely because the guidelines replace CSR with SR that ISO 26000 is applicable to all types of organizations, including public, private, developed, developing and transition countries, but does not include the performance of national functions, exercise Legislative, executive, and judicial powers, and governmental organizations that formulate public policy in the public interest, or perform international obligations on behalf of the state.

  3, not a management standard, not used for third-party certification

It is emphasized in the general principles of ISO26000 that ISO26000 is only a "guideline" for social responsibility, not a management system, and cannot be used for third-party certification, nor as regulations and contracts. obvious difference. Any offer of certification or claim to be certified is a misreading of the intent and purpose of ISO 26000. Because ISO26000 does not "require" what an organization does, no certification can demonstrate compliance with the standard.

  4. Provide practical suggestions and tools for integrating social responsibility into the organization

An important chapter of the guide discusses the ways in which social responsibility can be integrated into the organization, and gives specific practical suggestions. The appendix I of the guide also gives voluntary initiatives and social responsibility tools, so as to make the organization's social responsibility willingness. Turn into action. The Guidelines are dedicated to promoting the sustainable development of organisations, making organisations aware that compliance with the law is a core part of any organisation's fundamental duty and social responsibility, but encouraging organisations to go beyond their fundamental obligation to comply with the law. The Guidelines promote consensus in the field of social responsibility, while complementing other social responsibility-related tools and precedents, rather than superseding previous efforts.

  5. Unprecedented extensive stakeholder participation and unique development process

In the five years since the Social Responsibility Guidelines were formulated, more than 400 experts from 99 countries participated in the development, and the market-related stakeholders were divided into six groups: government, industry, consumers, labor (union), and non-governmental organizations And technology, services, etc. (SSRO), these six groups form six working groups, each group forms its own opinions, and discusses with each other, and finally reaches a unified opinion. From this point of view, extensive stakeholder participation ensures the rationality and authority of the guideline, and is the key to the guideline's final approval.

At the same time, ISO26000 has a unique development process. ISO directly establishes a Social Responsibility Working Group (ISO/WGSR) under the Technical Administration. The chairman of the working group is jointly held by experts from Brazil and Sweden, which balances the relationship between developing and developed countries. , the members of the working group include six stakeholders, and maintain a balance between regions and genders. Each member country recommends experts according to the working group of stakeholders, and forms corresponding committees at home. At the same time, a fund is established to support the participation of developing countries. This process ensures a balance of stakeholders and thus plays an important role in the eventual achievement of two levels of consensus at the national level and at the stakeholder level.

  6. Extensive participation of developing countries

As mentioned above, developing countries and developed countries have equal status in the assignment of members of the working group. The chairmen of the working group are jointly held by experts from developing and developed countries. At the same time, among the 99 countries participating in the development, there are 69 are developing countries. It can be seen that developing countries have indeed participated extensively in the formulation process of ISO26000.

  7. Established cooperative relationships with multiple organizations to promote social responsibility-related practices

ISO has signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Global Compact Office (UNGCO), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as well as with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Social Accountability International (SAI), etc. Organizations have established extensive and deep connections to ensure that these organizations are involved in the development of the guideline, so that the guideline does not replace, but complement and develop principles and precedents that exist internationally.

  8. The principle of difference

  ISO26000 General Principles states that when applying the guidelines, sensible organizations should consider social, environmental, legal, cultural, political and organizational diversity, and at the same time, in line with international norms, consider differences in different economic environments.

Difference is also a principle that my country strongly advocates in the development process of ISO26000. Because the situation of each country is different, the same organization faces different environments in different countries and regions, so make sure to fully consider the differences in national and regional environments when applying the guidelines. Sex is very important.

  in principle

  (1) Emphasizes compliance with laws and regulations, emphasizing that “an organization shall be willing and fully compliant with all laws and regulations to which the organization and its activities are subject, respecting internationally recognized legal documents.

  (2) Emphasis on stakeholder concerns

  (3) High focus on transparency

  (4) Concern for sustainable development

  (5) Emphasizes Human Rights and Diversity Concerns

In general, ISO26000 is a comprehensive international system with comprehensive content system developed by the International Organization for Standardization under the premise that the International Organization for Standardization has extensively combined relevant international authorities including the United Nations, GRI, etc., giving full play to the technical and experience advantages of each member state. Social Responsibility Standards. It takes into account the actual situation and needs of developed and developing countries, and widely listens to and absorbs the opinions and suggestions of experts from various countries. Although the process of its introduction is relatively long due to this, it is foreseeable that the birth of this standard will promote the development of the global social responsibility movement in a wider and higher sense, and will be responded and adopted by various organizations . We will wait and see.