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What can ISO37001 help companies solve?
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

What can ISO37001 help companies solve?

1. Establishing a good compliance management system and controlling bribery risk management system can prevent bribery at all levels of the organization; ISO37001 certification and implementation of the ISO37001 standard can provide management, investors, business partners, employees and Other stakeholders provide reasonable assurances that the problem of bribery is eliminated;

2. ISO37001 anti-bribery management system is an international standard, which has been widely recognized at home and abroad, which is of great help to enhance the credibility of the enterprise and the strength of the company;

3. In the case of bribery issues and disputes, ISO37001 anti-bribery management system certification can be used as evidence of due diligence;

4. ISO37001 anti-bribery management system certification can promote the needs of stakeholders and bring a strong competitive advantage to enterprises;

5. It can regulate the market to a certain extent, rectify the market environment and bad atmosphere;

How ISO37001 can benefit businesses

Anti-bribery management standards will become a necessary condition for relevant bidding and procurement:

1. Minimum requirements and supporting guidance for implementing or benchmarking an anti-bribery management system

2. Assurance to management, investors, employees, customers and other stakeholders that the organization is taking steps to prevent bribery risks.

3. Evidence that the organization has taken reasonable measures to prevent bribery.

ISO 37001 certification demonstrates to customers, stakeholders, business partners, employees, regulators, personnel and the public that your organization is committed to business ethics. Hence, it will ultimately provide the organization with a competitive advantage.

ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Certificate Attachment Template


ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Sub-Certificate Template


ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Certificate Template-English


ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Certificate Template - Chinese
