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Introduction of ISO27000 Series Standards (2)
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems -- Overview and vocabulary

Information Technology - Security Technology - Information Security Management System - Overview and Terminology

The standard has now completed the committee draft, and plans to complete the final draft standard in November 2007 and publish it in May 2008.

Standard introduction:

This standard provides a description of the overview, status and relationships of the ISO/IEC 27000 series of standards applied to information security management systems, and specifies terms related to the ISO/IEC 27000 ISMS series of standards.

The ISO/IEC 27000 standard has three chapters. The first chapter is the description of the scope of the standard. The second chapter introduces the various standards of the ISO27000 series and explains the relationship between the various standards, including: ISO27000, ISO27001, ISO27002, ISO27003, ISO27004, ISO27005, ISO27006. The third chapter gives the terms and definitions related to the ISO27000 series of standards, a total of 63.

ISO/IEC 27001

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems --Requirements

Information Technology - Security Technology - Information Security Management System - Requirements

The standard is derived from BS7799-2, which mainly proposes the basic requirements of ISMS. It was officially released in October 2005.

Standard introduction:

ISO 27001 is used to provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Adopting an ISMS should be a strategic decision for an organization. The design and implementation of an organization's ISMS is influenced by business needs and objectives, security requirements, the processes employed, and the size and structure of the organization. The above factors and their supporting processes are constantly changing. It is expected that the information security management system can be measured according to the needs of the organization, eg simple ISMS solutions can be used in simple cases.

The ISO27001 standard can be used as a basis for evaluating an organization's ability to meet the information security requirements of customers, the organization itself, and laws and regulations. Whether it is an organization's self-assessment or evaluation of supplier capabilities, it can be used, or it can be used as a basis for independent third-party certification.

ISO/IEC 27002

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Code of practice for information security management

Information Technology - Security Technology - Rules of Practice for Information Security Management

This standard will replace ISO/IEC 17799:2005, and the standard number will be changed directly from ISO/IEC 17799:2005 to ISO/IEC 27002, which is planned to be implemented in April 2007.

Standard introduction:

This International Standard provides guidelines and general principles for initiating, implementing, maintaining and improving information security management within an organization. The objectives outlined in this standard provide general guidance on generally recognized objectives of information security management.

The control objectives and control measures of this standard are expected to be implemented to meet the requirements identified by the risk assessment. This International Standard can serve as a practical guide for developing organizations' security standards and effective security management practices, helping to build confidence in inter-organizational activities.

The implementation rules contained in this standard can be considered as a starting point for the development of organization-specific guidelines. Not all controls and guidance in this implementation rule apply. Also, additional controls and guidance not included in this standard may be required. When developing documents that include additional controls and guidance, it may be useful to include a cross-reference to the clauses to which this standard applies, which facilitates compliance checks by auditors and business partners.

ISO/IEC 27003

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems implementation guidance

Information Technology - Security Technology - Guidelines for the Implementation of Information Security Management Systems

Standard introduction:

This standard provides application implementation guidance for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving information security management systems in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001.

The standard applies to institutions of all types, sizes and forms of business. Organizations of all kinds can use this standard to implement an information security management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001.

ISO/IEC 27004

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management —Measurements

Information Technology - Security Technology - Information Security Management - Measurement

This standard describes the measures and indicators of information security management, and is used to measure the implementation effect of information security management. It is expected to be released in May 2008. The standard is currently in committee draft status.

Standard introduction:

This standard provides guidance and recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of an ISMS, control objectives and control measures established in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001.

Managers can use this International Standard as a valid measure to judge the effectiveness of an information security management system. Measurement results can be used as input to review the effectiveness of existing controls to determine if changes or improvements are required.

ISO/IEC 27005

Information technology -- Security techniques --Information security risk management

Information Technology - Security Technology - Information Security Risk Management

The standard is based on BS7799-3 and ISO13335 and is expected to be released in November 2007. The standard is currently in final committee status.

Standard introduction:

This standard describes the requirements for information security risk management, which can be used for risk assessment, identifying security requirements, and supporting the establishment and maintenance of an information security management system.

ISO/IEC 27006

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems

Information Technology - Security Technology - Information Security Management System Audit and Certification Body Requirements

Standard introduction:

The standard imposes requirements on institutions providing ISMS certification, and all institutions providing ISMS certification services need to demonstrate their competence and reliability in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

ISO/IEC 27007

Information technology -- Security techniques – ISMS auditor guidelines

Information Technology - Security Technology - Information Security Management System Auditor's Guide