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Implement printing G7 certification
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

Implement certification

   After the printing company confirms the necessary preparations for completing the certification, it can start the G7 certification process. The entire certification process must have a G7 certification expert on-site to guide the audit. The certification process requires two rounds of test file printing. The two rounds of printing take at least three hours, and one hour in the middle is used to make and load the RIP calibration curve of the CTP system.

  ·G7 certification knowledge training

G7 experts go deep into the printing enterprises to provide training on the introduction of G7 certification knowledge, the interpretation of G7 calibration methods, the use of certification tools, etc., so that printing enterprise employees can understand the entire certification process, understand the key links of certification, and have a preliminary grasp of G7 Correction method.

  ·First round of linear printing

  In the original state where CTP does not load any curve, linearly output the special test version for G7 certification, and record the layout dot information, so as to better control the plate making process in the future;

  Use this test plate to print on the machine. At this time, the printing state must be a stable state that has been adjusted to meet the requirements. Use the spectrodensitometer to find the best solid density of the printing machine. After the printing is stable, select several printing samples according to the sampling rules.

  ·CTP compensation correction

  By measuring and extracting specific elements on the layout of the printing sample, obtaining the necessary information, using the Curve2 software to process the CMYK correction results, assigning new target values to RIP, and completing the CTP correction.

  ·Second round of certification printing

  CTP system loads the calibration curve made above and prints with the best density for the first time. In order to ensure that the two printing states are as consistent as possible, the two rounds of printing are completed by the same crew on the same machine on the same day, keeping the settings of the printing machine unchanged. Sampling according to the rules in a stable printing state, and submit the sample to the G7 certified experts on site.

  ·Hong Kong APTEC organization audit and certification

  G7 certification experts make on-site evaluations based on the second round of printing proofs. If the on-site evaluation passes, G7 experts will submit the printed samples drawn twice to the certification body for final evaluation. The cycle is about 14 working days. If passed, the printing company will receive the G7 certification certificate and logo issued by the G7 certification body, and the company information will also be included in the G7 certification database on the website for query.

  ·Maintenance of G7 certification system

   This is the most important part. The G7 certification is valid for one year. If you want to keep the certification, you must pass the annual review once a year. Therefore, obtaining G7 certification is not the end. Data-based, standardized and standardized production, and maintaining a long-term, stable and repeatable printing state are the ultimate goals of G7 certification.