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Which companies need BRC certification
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

Why do you need BRC certification? Which companies need BRC certification?

  Most large retailers in the UK only choose companies certified to the BRC global standard as suppliers. Most retailers will require manufacturers to provide BRC certification and meet the legal and quality requirements of their retail customers. This is because retailers are legally responsible for private label products and their brands under the Food Safety Act 1990.

   The Act does not mandate compliance with BRC standards by foreign companies exporting to the UK and Europe. But as the name suggests, the global standard has become a widely accepted supplier best standard across multiple industries (food, non-food consumer products, and packaging materials), not only for the evaluation of manufacturers of retailer branded products, but also for branded products evaluation of.

  Many European and global retailers (such as Australia) also require a BRC certificate as one of the conditions when choosing a supplier.

   In addition, some international brand owners also promote BRC certification in their manufacturing plants around the world.

   One of the benefits of enforcing this standard is that it meets the legal requirements for “reasonable measures”, so its certification is not a trade barrier, but a means of meeting legal requirements.