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Benefits of ISO28000
Time:2022-03-23 Clicks:

ISO28000 is an international standard for supply chain security management systems.

What is ISO28000?

Most organizations rely in some way on the supply chain to ensure their business continuity, and if supply is disrupted, they become vulnerable or even vulnerable. To prevent such incidents and manage security risks in the current volatile environment, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) promulgated ISO28000; Lowe's LR also made valuable input and active contributions to the development of ISO28000.

ISO28000 is an international standard for supply chain security management systems. It provides a framework for organizations in or dependent on the logistics industry to identify elements that are critical to the security of their supply chain. These elements include, but are not limited to: finance (financing), manufacturing, information management, equipment for packaging and storage, and the transfer of goods between different modes of transportation and locations.

Who can use ISO28000?

ISO 28000 is a management system specification developed specifically for logistics companies and organizations involved in managing supply chain operations. The specification was promulgated by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September 2007.

ISO 28000 is applicable to organisations of any size and of any type involved in purchasing, manufacturing, service, warehousing, transport and/or sales processes, as long as they wish to implement and maintain a secure management system for their supply chain.

Benefits of ISO28000:

Stakeholder Confidence - Demonstrate a robust and secure supply chain management system to regulators/relevant authorities, customers/potential customers and other relevant organisations;

Consistency - ensuring that the approach of service providers within a supply chain is harmonized;

Customer Satisfaction - Demonstrating the ability to meet customer requirements;

Risk management - helps assess security risks and implement controls and risk mitigation pathways to manage potential security risks and impacts in the supply chain;

Easy Integration - ISO28000 is a management system based on the principle of the Plan-Do-Check-Improvement (PDCA) cycle, modelled on the recognized ISO14001 standard. That is, organizations already familiar with the risk-based approach used by ISO 14001 can use a similar approach when analyzing supply chain security risks and vulnerabilities;

Become a supplier of choice - demonstrate to customs authorities the organization's ability to manage security issues within the supply chain. Implementing ISO 28000 becomes even more important when an organization considers applying to become an Qualified Economic Operator (AEO) to meet many requirements.