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The relationship between HACCP and ISO9000 system
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

ISO is the abbreviation of International Organization for Standardization. The ISO9000 system is: "all international standards formulated by the ISO/TC176 technical committee." It is a three-dimensional network composed of a series of standards that are both differentiated and interconnected, forming an implementation guide, standard requirements. and audit supervision and other aspects of the complete system.

Its core is the ISO9001-9003 quality assurance standard series: when it is necessary to verify the process control ability of the enterprise to design and produce qualified products, select and use ISO9001--the quality assurance mode of design, development, production, installation and service; When you have the process control ability to produce qualified products, choose and use ISO9002--quality assurance mode of production, installation and service; when only requiring the enterprise to ensure that the final inspection and test meet the specified requirements, you should choose ISO9003--The final inspection and test Quality Assurance Mode.

ISO9000 and HACCP are both preventive quality assurance systems. ISO9000 is applicable to various industries, while HACCP is only used in the food industry, emphasizing the safety and hygiene of food. The main differences between the two are as follows:

The difference between ISO9000 and HACCP

Item ISO9000-------------------HACCP

Scope of application Applicable to all walks of life ---------------- Applied to the food industry

Goal Emphasize that quality can meet customer requirements ---------------- Emphasize food hygiene and avoid harm to consumers


Enterprises can choose one of the three modes of ISO9001-9003 according to their own conditions, and then gradually improve the operating standards ----------------

Enterprises can follow the regulations or specifications of the government of the country where the market is located (for example, products sold in China must be produced in accordance with the "Quality Management Specification for Aquatic Product Processing" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of my country; products exported to the United States must be produced in accordance with its federal regulations "Aquatic Products"). Production and Import Safety and Hygiene Procedures") requirements to produce products

Standard content The standard content covers a wide range, involving design, development, production, installation and service The content is narrow, focusing on the control of the production process

Monitoring objects No special monitoring objects ---------------- There are special monitoring objects, such as pathogenic bacteria

Implementation Voluntary ---------------- Gradual transition from voluntary to mandatory