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Monitoring of HACCP Certification Critical Control Points
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

1. Definition: Monitoring: Observing or measuring according to a plan to determine whether a CCP is under control, and accurately and truthfully recorded for later verification.

First, a monitoring plan or procedure should be developed, namely What, How, Frequency, Who.   The purpose or meaning of monitoring is to: ① record and track the processing operation to make it within the CL range; ② determine whether the CCP is out of control or deviate from the CL, and then take corrective measures; ③ for a record that the product is in compliance with The supporting documents of the process control system produced under the requirements of the HACCP plan, and the verification of the special official audit verification is very useful information.

2. Develop a monitoring plan or procedure

①What will be monitored? (What will be monitored) is to determine whether the properties of the product or the processing process meet the critical limits (measurement, observation).

②How to monitor (How critical limits and preventive measures will be monitored) is how to monitor critical limits and preventive measures.

The first is to ensure rapid results, while microbiological experiments are time-consuming, cost-intensive, and have little representativeness. Generally, they are not used as monitoring methods, but microbiological methods are determined to be tested during verification and product inspection.

In the HACCP studies in the past few years, most of them still adopt microbiological monitoring, but the problem of time is solved by rapid inspection methods, such as rapid bacterial analyzers, which have been very popular for a period of time. Through development, physical and chemical methods should be rapid and can control microorganisms correspondingly through chemical and physical monitoring. Note that this requires scientific basis and supporting documents such as experimental results and expert review.

The commonly used methods are: thermometer (automatic or manual), clock, PH meter, water activity meter (AW). Salt meters, sensors and analytical instruments. The accuracy of the measuring instrument, the corresponding environment and the calibration must meet the corresponding requirements or the requirements to be monitored. Due to the error of the monitoring instrument, it should be fully considered in the formulation of the CL value.

③ Frequency of monitoring: Monitoring can be continuous or discontinuous. Of course, continuous monitoring is best, such as automatic temperature, time recorders, metal detectors, because in this way, if deviations or abnormalities occur, processing adjustments are taken when deviations from operating limits are taken, and corrective actions are taken when deviations from critical limits occur. It should be noted that the continuous testing instrument itself should also be checked regularly. It is not the continuous monitoring that is set to be finished. The shorter the cycle of monitoring these automatic records, the better, because it affects the rework and loss of products. Monitor the cycle of these automatic records. At least the abnormal product can be separated before it enters the shipment.

Of course, some automatic monitoring equipment is also equipped with an alarm device, which does not affect the safety of the product, and does not require manual monitoring and automatic recording. If continuous monitoring is not possible, then it is necessary to determine the period of monitoring so that possible deviations from CL or operating limits can be detected. Should full consideration be given to whether the production and processing of the product is stable or how much variation is the product's normal value close to the critical limit? How much is the processor affected by the occurrence of the hazard?

④Who will monitor: clarify the responsibilities, generally the operators on the production line, equipment operators, supervisors, quality control assurance personnel, and maintenance personnel. No matter who is monitoring, of course, it is best to be done by people who are convenient, responsible, and capable, and these people should have the following levels or abilities:

After the training of CCP monitoring technology

Fully understand the importance of CCP monitoring

Ability to conduct surveillance activities

Can accurately record every monitoring activity

Deviations from critical boundaries should be reported immediately so that corrective action can be taken in a timely manner.

Note: All records are each signed or signed by the operator.