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ISO22000:200X Development and HACCP
Time:2022-03-24 Clicks:

In 2001, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) planned to develop an auditable food safety management system standard. This standard further defines the role of HACCP in the food safety management system. The standard is ISO22000:200X. At present, its development has reached the draft (CD draft) stage of ISO Technical Committee Committee (TC34), and the formal standard is expected to be released in 2005.

The development and principle of HACCP

As a systematic method, HACCP is the basis for ensuring food safety in the modern world, and its role is to prevent the production of harmful substances in food during the food production process (including manufacturing, storage, transportation, and sales).

As we all know, from the late 1950s, in order to provide safe food for astronauts, NASA and the food production company PILLSBURY jointly developed HACCP. By the late 20th century, HACCP has been continuously developed. The HACCP system has developed from the initial three principles, namely hazard identification, determination of critical control points and control of any hazard, establishment of a monitoring system, to the current five initial steps and seven principles, these five initial steps are: Establish a HACCP team , describe the product and its sales characteristics, describe the intended use of the product and product users, draw a process flow chart, and verify the process flow chart; the seven principles are: analyze hazards, determine critical control points (CCP), establish critical limits, establish The monitoring system of critical control points, when the monitoring system shows that a critical control point is out of control, establish corrective measures that should be taken, establish verification procedures to confirm the effectiveness of the HACCP system operation, and establish a documented system.

Rather than relying on the testing of the final product to ensure food safety, HACCP builds food safety on the control of processing to prevent or reduce known hazards in food products to an acceptable level.

Today, HACCP has been adopted by governments, standardization organizations or industry groups in many countries, either as a mandatory requirement in relevant regulations, or recommended as a voluntary requirement in standards, or as a mandatory requirement for sub-suppliers Require. Such as the US aquatic products and fruit and vegetable juice regulations (FDA 1995 and FDA 2001), the International Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) "General Principles of Food Hygiene" (CAC 2001), the Danish DS3027 standard, the evaluation criteria for the implementation of the Dutch HACCP system, etc.

In the 21st century, consumers all over the world are demanding safe and healthy food, so food processing companies have to implement a food safety management system to ensure the production and sale of safe food. In order to help these food processing companies meet market demands, and at the same time, to verify that these companies have established and implemented food safety management systems, and thus have the ability to provide safe food, there is a strong need to develop a standard that can be used for auditing. In addition, due to the internationalization and globalization of trade, the development of an international standard based on the HACCP principle has also become a strong demand for the food industry in various countries.

ISO/CD 22000: The basic framework of 200X

The development of the ISO22000:200X standard is mainly to achieve the following goals:

-Comply with the HACCP principle of CAC;

- Harmonization of voluntary international standards;

-Provide a standard for audit (internal audit, second-party audit, third-party audit);

- The framework is consistent with ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001:1996;

-Provide an international exchange platform on HACCP concept.

Therefore, ISO22000:200X is not just a general sense of food processing rules and regulations, but seeks a more centralized, consistent and integrated food safety system to provide a framework for building a food safety management system and to integrate it with Integration with other management activities, such as quality management system and environmental management system.

ISO22000:200X is built in accordance with the framework of ISO9001:2000. At the same time, it also covers all the requirements of CAC on HACCP and defines the definition of "Supporting Safety Measures" (SSM) for the concept of "Prerequisites" for HAC? JuanCP . ISO22000:200X defines SSM as "specific control measures", rather than "critical control measures" that affect food safety, which achieve control purposes by preventing, eliminating and reducing the possibility of hazards. Depending on the type of business and the stage of the food chain, SSM can be replaced by activities such as: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Prerequisites, Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), Good Hygiene Practice (GHP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and Good Veterinary Practice (GVP). ISO 22000:200X will require food establishments to establish, maintain, monitor and audit the effectiveness of SSM.

Schedule: ISO/CD 22000: 200X frame

Terms Basic content

  1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and Definitions

4 Food safety management system

4.1 General system requirements

4.2 Documentation requirements

5 Management Responsibilities

5.1 Food Safety Policy

5.2 Responsibilities and Authorities

5.3 Food Safety Team

5.4 Communication

5.5 Prepare and respond to unexpected events

5.6 Management Review

6 Resource management

6.1 Provision of resources

6.2 Human resources

7 Implementation of security products

7.1 Product and process data

7.2 Hazard Analysis

7.3 Design of CCP plan

7.4 Design of SSM Scheme

7.5 Implementation of FSM System

7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring equipment

8 Measurement, Analysis and Update of FSM System

8.1 General

8.2 FSM system verification

8.3 FSM System Confirmation

8.4 FSM system update

Appendix A Comparison of ISO 22000:200x and ISO9001:2000

Appendix B Examples of Control Checklists


  Countermeasures and Suggestions

Although the formulation of ISO22000: 200X is still in the CD draft stage, relevant national industry departments should closely follow and actively study the corresponding policies. Once it is officially released, our policies on how to adopt the standard, related supporting normative documents, and training and The research and formulation work such as the establishment of the simulation system should begin to be implemented. In this regard, the author has the following suggestions for reference only.

How to adopt the standard. Although ISO22000:200X will be a voluntary standard, relevant government departments can make it a mandatory requirement in specific food processing enterprises in relevant regulations to ensure the safety and health of the products of such food enterprises, and recommend it in all Active adoption by food-related businesses. In addition, according to the official verification policy adopted for the establishment and implementation of the HACCP system of some food companies in the past, after the official implementation of ISO22000:200X, the government department still retains the power of official verification, thereby ensuring the government department's supervision of national food safety. .

Since ISO22000:200X is a standard that can be used for auditing, official verification can be considered in the form of entrusting a second party to audit and confirm the third-party certification. For those food companies with high corporate reputation, they can also use the form of "self-declaration" after the company has passed the internal audit to prove that it has established and implemented a food safety management system. Of course, the official and sellers (including importers) will verify this. kind of statement.

Relevant supporting normative documents. ISO22000: 200X will be a standard suitable for all food processing enterprises. It only expresses common requirements, rather than some specific requirements for each type of food processing enterprise, so it will encounter the applicability of some specific clauses during its implementation. and understanding issues. To this end, it is necessary to develop practical guidelines supporting this standard. These practical guidelines not only provide help for food companies to establish and implement food safety management systems, but also provide reference for certification bodies and their auditors to audit. Relevant departments should actively study and formulate such relevant documents.

A simulation system is established. With the formulation process of ISO22000:200X standard and the formulation of related supporting documents, relevant enterprises should actively establish and implement food safety management system according to the concept of drafting standard, and try to cooperate with the established quality management system and environmental management system of the enterprise. to integrate. In this way, food enterprises can not only sum up experience and provide a basis for the formulation of standards and related supporting documents, but also provide assistance for enterprises to quickly meet standard requirements and relevant regulatory requirements after the standard is officially implemented, and also provide enterprises with priority in market competition. Create conditions.